Join Our Team! - Paraprofessional Positions

If you are a great student and communicator, enjoy helping other students, want to develop your leadership skills and gain valuable work experience, apply to work with LEADS.

Our student paraprofessionals work with staff and faculty to assist students in successfully meeting the challenges of college. Positions include:

Learning Assistants

A team of paraprofessionals, Learning Assistants (LAs) provide essential aspects of support to students through Beloit College’s Learning Enrichment and Disability Services office (LEADS). These positions report to the Director, as well as the Department Coordinator of LEADS, and other staff of the Dean of Students office.  LAs work developing new ideas, projects, and services to enhance the academic enrichment of students and improve disability assistance and awareness.  They may present to groups or provide information individually on academic enrichment topics such as time management, study skills, note-taking, and stress reduction, as well as disability assistance tools and strategies such as SmartPens and getting print materials to read aloud.

General Duties of all Learning Assistants

  • Develop new ideas, projects, and services to enhance the academic enrichment of students and improve disability assistance and awareness
  • Present to groups or provide information individually on academic enrichment topics such as time management, study skills, note-taking, and stress reduction, as well as disability assistance tools and strategies such as SmartPens and getting print materials to read aloud
  • Provide excellent customer service on the phone, in written communications, and in-person
  • Provide office support (copies, errands, poster distribution, pick up mail, etc.)
  • Check email and office mailbox for daily inter-office communications
  • Assist other staff members with projects when requested
  • Ask staff members for projects when time is available
  • Attend staff meetings (usually weekly) and training sessions
  • Keep records and appropriate paperwork as assigned
  • Complete special projects as assigned (compiling data, poster design, etc.)

General Terms of Employment

  • Six to ten hours per week, excluding midterm breaks and finals weeks
  • Flexible hours Monday through Friday, some occasional evenings
  • Paid training (Usually prior to classes beginning each semester, with room and board provided; additional training possible during the academic year)

General Requirements

  • Good academic standing and effective study habits
  • Initiative to develop new ideas; creativity
  • Presentation Skills
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to work both autonomously and as part of a team
  • Dependability
  • Ability to communicate orally and in writing
  • Flexibility
  • Positive rapport with fellow students, faculty, and staff
  • Computer skills and a willingness to learn new ones
  • Ability to keep private information confidential

*Learning Assistant – Academic Enrichment Activities

Specific Duties

  • Provide all-campus activities on academic enrichment topics (time management, note-taking, test-taking strategies, stress management, public speaking, etc.)
  • Plan and implement a session on graduate and professional school test preparation (GRE, LSAT, MCAT) and sessions at New Student Days and Advising & Career Days
  • Publicize events of this role
  • Work individually with students who want assistance with improving study skills and strategies

Specific Terms of Employment

  • Must be able to manage multiple projects at once, plan ahead, and communicate needs
  • Must be able to plan and organize in a collaborative and cooperative manner
  • Endeavors to assess and meet the needs of fellow students in the area of study skills and strategies

Specific Requirements

  • Prefer knowledge of study skills and strategies in the areas of time management, reading strategies, note-taking and/or are willing to learn such strategies
  • Prefer past experience in programming
  • Presentation skills or willingness to develop presentation skills

*Learning Assistant – Disability Assistance and Awareness

Specific Duties

  • Work with students, faculty, and staff to learn and implement assistive technology and accommodations
  • Be able to demonstrate various assistive technology for currently enrolled students (recording pens, how to get electronic materials to read aloud, etc.)
  • Coordinate assistive technology efforts for creating accessible documents, as well as cataloging and maintaining assistive technology
  • Research new technological products and/or apps to consider their applicability for students with disabilities
  • Work with individual students to assist them in learning assistive technology and gaining access to materials as needed
  • Train other student staff on assistive technology and disability-related information
  • Create and implement activities for Disability Awareness on-campus, including sessions during New Student Days and Advising & Career days
  • Promote the benefits/availability of assistive technology and accommodations
  • Collaborate with Student Success, Equity, and Community; Beloit Cross-Disability Coalition (BCDC); and other groups or areas. Attend BC-DC meetings or stay apprised of these meetings to discuss with the Director.
  • Assist the Director and Department Coordinator with disability access and events or activities as requested, especially those related to this role.
  • Provide publicity for any events that fall under the purview of this role

Specific Requirements

  • Interest in providing programs in a collaborative fashion to increase disability awareness on campus
  • Interest in working with adaptive/assistive technology
  • Creative ideas for publicity and special projects or events, as well as creative problem-solving skills most often connected to accessibility projects
  • Ability to manage multiple competing priorities
  • High level of skill in Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat

*Learning Assistant – Tutor Matching

Specific Duties

  • Assign students who have requested tutoring to appropriate tutors
  • Recruit tutors utilizing a variety of approaches (e.g. emails, personal contact)
  • Process/request professor recommendations for tutors; Serve as a liaison to faculty
  • Communicate with students, faculty, and staff primarily using email
  • In coordination with the Tutor Training and Observation LA, provide tutor appreciation and recognition events. Provide publicity for these events.

Specific Terms of Employment

  • Expected to work at least one hour each day of the week (Monday – Friday when offices are open)

Specific Requirements

  • Preferred: Tutoring experience (Tutor or Tutee) at the college level, though high school level will be considered

*Learning Assistant – Tutor Training and Observation

Specific Duties

  • Training:
    • Lead training sessions for tutors
    • Procure and organize assistive materials for tutors
    • Review, revise, and develop training for tutors
  • Observation:

    • Observe tutors during the tutoring process
    • Compile and report observations
    • Provide constructive feedback to enhance the training program
  • In coordination with the Tutor Matching LA, provide tutor appreciation and recognition events, along with the appropriate publicity, and recruit students to serve as tutors

Specific Terms of Employment

  • Flexible hours Monday through Friday with frequent evenings

Specific Requirements

  • Previous experience as a tutor, preferably at the college level


Become a tutor — a purposeful, rewarding job that also helps fund your education

Students who are particularly knowledgeable in a course or talented in a particular subject area can become a tutor.  Most tutors provide course-based individual and/or small group assistance 1-10 hours per week to students enrolled in Beloit College courses.  These may be either pre-scheduled or drop-in sessions. Tutors complete 1 - 2 hours of training prior to employment and may be required to participate in ongoing training (usually one hour per semester).  As LEADS employees, all tutors report to the Department Coordinator.

The hours are flexible, and the tutors provide an invaluable resource on campus. To apply to become a tutor, get a professor’s recommendation, log into the Portal and access the Student Life tab. Click the link titled, Tutoring Forms and fill out the Tutoring Application Form for each class you would like to tutor.

Subject Tutors

Course-Based Tutors

Most tutors provide course-based individual and/or small group assistance 1-10 hours per week to students enrolled in Beloit College courses. Tutors, with assigned tutees, arrange tutoring times (up to 2 hours per week per course for tutee) and locations. Tutors communicate in a timely manner with the Learning Enrichment and Disability Services Office and tutees, follow the guidelines presented in training, and complete administrative tasks (timesheets) as requested. See the detailed job description for course-based tutors for more information.

Peer Academic Support Services (PASS) Tutors

PASS tutors work in the library during PASS hours, Sun-Thurs from 6pm to 9pm. Tutors’ schedules are based on multiple factors, including tutor availability and student demand.  PASS subjects are currently* Calculus I & II, and Economics (intro). Tutors communicate in a timely manner with the Learning Enrichment and Disability Services Office, follow the guidelines presented in training, and complete administrative tasks (timesheets) as requested.

*These are subject to change based on student demand.

Individual Organizational Tutors

Organizational Tutors (OTs) provide general organizational tutoring for students. This includes helping students implement strategies and tools for organization, synthesize syllabi, project and time management, note-taking skills, etc. Training is required (often the semester before the tutor begins tutoring). Like other tutors, OTs are to communicate in a timely manner with the office and tutees, follow the guidelines presented in training, and complete administrative tasks (timesheets and log sheets) as requested.

For other possible positions on campus, students can find information on the Student Employment web site.

Accessibility Assistants

Learning Enrichment and Disability Services (LEADS), among other responsibilities, coordinates services for students with disabilities to provide those students with equal access to the programs and services of the College. At times, the office will seek to hire students who will aid in this endeavor.

These roles include but are not limited to: readers, scribes, working with students with disabilities, and/or using technology and/or tools to create access. Depending on the particular need, the requirements of the role will vary.

In all cases, the ability to listen to and understand directions will be required. A willingness to work closely with students with disabilities is required. Creative problem-solving skills a plus.

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